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The Gold Package - $3,000

Our standard package for an overall great wedding video.

- One Cinematographer

- Up to 8 Hours of Coverage
- One
 Licensed Song
- 2-5 Minute Film
- 12 Week Turnaround

The Diamond Package - $4,500

Our most popular package for those who want a shorter turn around time, focused audio, and more extensive coverage.

- Two Cinematographers

- Drone Footage

- Up to 10 Hours of Coverage

- Two Licensed Songs
- 4-7 Minute Film
- 10 Week Turnaround

- Next Day Social Media Edit

- Vows Recorded and Presented as Dialogue Over Video

The Platinum Package - $10,000

Our premier package for those who want the most extensive coverage, including photography.

Videography Coverage

- One Cinematographer

- Up to 12 Hours of Coverage

- Drone Footage

- Two Licensed Songs

- 4-7 Minute Film
- Next Day Social Media Edit

- Vows Recorded and Presented as Dialogue Over Video

- 6 Week Turnaround


Photography Coverage

- Two Photographers

- Up to 12 Hours of Coverage

- Unlimited Wedding Day Photos

- Engagement or Bridal Session

- 4 Week Turnaround

Common Add Ons

- "Story of Us" (recorded one week before ceremony)

- Video Guest Book (can be captured at a wedding shower before or on the day of the wedding)

- Additional Cinematographer (any package)

- Vows Recorded and Presented as Dialogue Over Video (gold package)
- Additional Hour of Coverage

- Separate Full Ceremony Video with Full Audio

- All of the Raw Footage as One Long, Unedited Video


Inquire for further pricing by emailing


Engagement Photography​

- One Photographer

- 4 Hours of Coverage
- Tw
o Week Turnaround

Couples & Family Photography - 2 Hour Session


- Two Photographers

- Two Hour Session
- One to Two Locations
- Two
 Week Turnaround

Couples & Family Photography - 1 Hour Session


- One Photographer

- One Hour Session
- One Location
- One
 Week Turnaround

Couples & Family Photography - 30 Minute Session


- One Photographer

- 30 Minute Session
- One Location
- 3 
Day Turnaround

Get in Touch

Send us an email and let's get started!

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